3 min read

Re-Imagining Early Childhood at Commonpoint Queens

sam field rec early childhood

Commonpoint Queens Sam Field Center’s Early Childhood Education Center will be offering a full day of early childhood education and daycare this fall to families in the Northern Nassau and Queens communities. The Center will offer an extended day program that will allow children to thrive in a safe and nurturing environment. Anna Cassar, the Center’s Director, describes the program as an opportunity to engage children in new and creative educational programs, both in-person and online. There will also be new opportunities for parent involvement and engagement in a diverse and inclusive community.

Parents will have the option of enrolling their children ages 2-5 in programs from 7:30am to 6pm. The formal classroom program will be held from 9am to 3pm, with options for before and aftercare from 7:30am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm. The highly experienced teaching staff meet all New York State certification requirements and are focused on meeting the needs of all children and families across a wide-range of backgrounds, religions, and special needs. Flexible drop-off and pickup times are available to meet the needs of working parents.

The Sam Field Center in Little Neck has remained open throughout the pandemic providing essential care to our families who most needed it. They have diligently created comprehensive safety and sanitization protocols for the school and facilities that meet or exceed the NYS Department of Health, NYS Education Department, and Federal CDC guidelines and requirements.

Director Anna Cassar knows how difficult the last few months have been and realizes that everyone has been affected in diverse ways. “As different as each of our lives are now, the need for connection remains,” and Cassar and her staff are very excited to physically open the doors of their school to those who make the choice to return to the physical classroom, and to provide exceptional remote learning opportunities for those who feel most comfortable continuing at-home education.

The Commonpoint Queens Sam Field Center’s Early Childhood Education Center serves the community by offering a preschool experience for children and their families that celebrates diversity and creativity so that children have the greatest potential and desire to explore, construct, and learn. It welcomes both private and fee-for-service clients to their safe and secure learning space. The Center is currently accepting registrations for Fall 2020. Please contact Anna Cassar at ACassar@CommonpointQueens.org or 718.225.6750 x246 for registration details and further information.


More About Commonpoint Queens

Commonpoint Queens is a social services organization that meets the diverse and evolving needs in the borough of Queens —a place where people of all ages and backgrounds come together to find support, access opportunities, and build connections to the community throughout their lives. To learn more, go to www.commonpointqueens.org.